Tredington Primary School

New Starters: September 2024

Dear Parents & Carers, 

We are excited to have the opportunity to introduce you to our TPS family. We are a strong, friendly and caring community with stunning school grounds and small class sizes. Our team work together closely to create a warm and secure feeling as soon as you walk through the door. 

At Tredington, every child is an individual and we utilise our school vision of 'Aspire, Create, Excel'' (ACE) to underpin learning alongside children's acquisition of resilience, determination, kindness, empathy and responsibility. 

During our first Ofsted Inspection since opening, held in June 2023, we were thrilled that the hard work, commitment and dedication of the whole school community was recognised, being awarded 'good' in all areas. The full report is detailed and gives examples of the many elements of Tredington Primary School which we are proud to have recognised, including the welcoming, nurturing and inclusive culture of the school; the broad and ambitious curriculum children access; the varied opportunities for reading both within and in addition to the curriculum; and children’s clear motivation to learn. The report states that ‘pupils are a credit to the school’ which we know to be absolutely true. You can access a copy of the full report on our website: 

Our catchment area is wide, with pupils travelling from Tewkesbury, Walton Cardiff, Stoke Orchard, Bishops Cleeve, Uckington and Elmstone Hardwicke. We are fortunate to have access to a free school bus which has various stops within a 2mile radius of the school including Stoke Orchard. We are currently in the process of launching wrap-around care which will be starting later this term. This provision will run from 7:30am-8:30am; and 3:00pm-5:45pm and is open to all families.  

We know our website and social media pages can only tell you so much and give just a glimpse into life here at TPS. I hope you will take the time to come and visit us, during an Open Event or individual tour, to experience all we have to offer. Open Events can be booked using the form linked below: 

We look forward to meeting you soon! 

Best wishes, 

Emily Watton

Head Teacher

open morning flyer 2023 24 final.pdf