Physical Education
We follow the National Curriculum for PE in England
At Tredington, Physical Education is a fundamental part of every child’s education and development. During their time with us at Tredington, all children are given access to high quality PE provision and exposure to a broad range of sports. We take seriously our duty to develop a love of physical activity in all children, regardless of ability, alongside a responsibility to educate children on the importance of good physical health.
Fun, enjoyment, confidence, competence and self esteem are the forefront of our PE delivery. Children in EYFS and KS1 develop the fundamental skills such as aiming and throwing, balance, co-ordination, control, and movement. In KS2, children are able to use these fundamental skills to develop their knowledge and understanding of invasion games such as football, netball, tag rugby and hockey. These skills are also transferable to striking and fielding games such as cricket and rounders, together with net games such as tennis. Gymnastics and Dance also form an important part of the curriculum at Tredington, as well as opportunities to try a variety of sports ranging from Dodgeball to Cycling.
Inclusion is a huge part of our PE offer at Tredington - we have a real mentality of trying to 'say yes' to as much as we possibly can.
Discover more about our PE Curriculum at Tredington from the documents below:
Physical Development in the Early Years
Physical Development, as opposed to Physical Education, is a core component of the Early Years curriculum - with a focus on both fine and gross motor development throughout the year. Gross motor development begins by concentrating on the fundamentals of balance, coordination and movement. Cooperation is also an early and important element of this curriculum - teaching children about the importance of team mates as early as we can. By the end of their time in the Early Years, pupils will have mastered a range of agility movements which they can apply to large equipment and dance, as well as mastering the beginnings of ball skills and throwing and catching. Children as young as Reception will understand what it feels like to be truly active and out of breath! Beyond their PE lessons, Reception pupils visit the Forest School to develop their cooperation and coordination skills in a different environment.
PE in Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2)
Mastering the fundamentals is the main aim of PE in Key Stage 1 at Tredington. Children are taught to further develop their basic movements, coordination, stamina and core strength. These fundamentals are brought together in the full range of PE units as well as further lessons focusing on application of running, jumping, throwing and catching in a range of activities.
PE in Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)
Swimming is introduced as part of the PE curriculum in Key Stage 2. In 2021-2022, the KS2 children made use of the Move More 'pop up pool' at Bishops Cleeve Primary Academy to support their swimming lessons. PE lessons continue throughout this key stage. The curriculum develops through Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 to focus on application of skills in more familiar sporting scenarios such as competitive games of hockey, football, tennis and cricket. By the end of Year 6, all children will have had many opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge & understanding in a full range of invasion games, striking and fielding games, gymnastics and dance. Tredington pupils become empathetic team mates as well as develop an understanding of the single-mindedness needed for professional athletes to succeed.
Extra-Curricular Sport
As a small school, we do our best to offer a range of extra-curricular sporting activities, beyond what is on offer in the mandatory curriculum. Some of these activities are provided by the school for free, whereas others are run by Move More. Families are also invited to attend the Bishops Cleeve Primary Academy offer including sport and musical theatre. Our after school offer over the last three academic years, hosted by Tredington staff, includes:
Football Club, Cricket Club, Multi-skills, Dodgeball, Rounders Club, Speed Stacking and Boccia.