School Day
Morning Drop Off
The school day begins from 8:30am at Tredington. From this time, families are welcome to drop their child off from the car park at the front gate, where they will be greeted by a member of staff. Alternatively, parents and carers can bring their child onto the playground and drop them at the classroom door, where they will be greeted by the class teacher, should you have any messages to pass on.
Children should be accompanied by a parent or carer until they are safely in school.
On our first day of any child starting school, they can come through the main office entrance to be met by a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
The register is taken from 8:45am and all children should be in school by then. At this time, all doors from the playground are closed and families should report to the main Reception to be signed in late.
Afternoon Pick-Up
The gates will be opened again at around 2:55pm for children to be picked up from the playground space outside their class door at 3.00 pm. A 'goodbye' gesture from a member of SLT will signal the end of the school day.
The Car Park
The School Bus
Some children are entitled to travel on the school bus. Application's to see if your child is eligible, should be made to Transport at Gloucestershire County Council. In the first instance, you may wish to contact the school office for advice about eligibility.
On arrival at school, the bus driver will wait until a member of school staff arrives to escort the children into school. At the end of the day, a member of school staff will escort the children to the bus. The bus driver will not depart until all children are seated and wearing their safety belt. All children are expected to remain seated during the journey and behave appropriately.
Please click here for our TPS Attendance Handbook