Tredington Primary School


Our uniform selection includes grey trousers; grey skirts; blue or white blouses, shirts or polo shirts; grey shorts; black, blue or white tights and blue and white check dresses.  We ask that children wear black or navy shoes.

To help them feel a sense of belonging and identity with our school we do ask that the children wear a school jumper or cardigan with the Tredington Community Primary School logo on it.  Other branded items of uniform are also available from the online shop - Brigade - available by clicking the image below:







We understand that children grow (!!) and want to support families with a value-for-money uniform expectations.  Unbranded school uniform items can also be purchased from high street shops or supermarkets.

In the Reception foyer, we have a cabinet filled with high-quality, pre-loved uniform for families to take as needed. Please just ring the front doorbell during drop-off or pick-up to access this provision.


PE Kits

The children do PE outside all year round so need weather appropriate clothing. 

Please provide your child with the following:

  • pair of navy shorts
  • pair of blue jogging bottoms or tracksuit trousers
  • navy sweatshirt for cooler weather
  • white T-shirt
  • trainers for outdoors and pumps for indoors
  • waterproof jacket (cagoule style)
  • named shoe bag large enough to hold all these items