Welcome back after what we hope has been a wonderful winter break. We are looking forward to another exciting term ahead of us and getting to work alongside the children and yourselves.
PE Days: Monday and Wednesday
Forest School: Tuesdays
Here is what is happening in Spring Term:
owls curriculum letter sprng.pdf
Homework this term:
Times Table Rockstars
TicTacToe grid:
Helpful Website Links
TT Rockstars is the tool we have invested in to help children learn their times tables in a fun and modern way. Your child has their own personalised login. Click here to access the website.
A few websites linked to Reading
BBC – KS2 Bitesize – Home
This has links to all subjects for primary school aged children with areas to learn and revise. It has areas with explanations and definitions and videos to support learning.
Punctuation, English Games for 7-11 Years – Topmarks
Trapped – Punctuation. Three punctuation games where you need to punctuate paragraphs and sentences to gain the Key of Freedom to escape from the tower.
Thinkuknow – home
Guide to internet safety and safe surfing for young people from Think U Know. Learn about online safety when using blogs, chatting, online gaming and other forms of online communication
Crickweb | KS2 Literacy
Free Interactive Primary or Elementary Key Stage 2 ages 6-11 years, Literacy and English Teacher Resources and fun Kids Games. English learning as a second language.
Home Page : nrich.maths.org
Finding your home on NRICH. We have homes for students of different ages, teachers and parents/carers. The NRICH Project aims to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners.
Planets For Kids – Solar System Facts and Astronomy
Welcome to Planets for Kids I really hope you enjoy the information that I have provided on this website. You will find lots of information about our solar system.
National Geographic Kids
National Geographic Kids explores the fascinating world we live in. Have loads of fun discovering incredible facts and information.
Woodlands Homework Help
Woodlands site has different zones for some foundation subjects (History, Geography, RE, Art and Science) and core subjects (English and Maths). Different topics can be explored too